December 4, 2015

Update on Recipe Cards Fabric

A while back, I told you I was taking Bonnie Christine's Skillshare class on surface pattern design.  I had borrowed my grandmother's recipe book with the idea that I would somehow print her handwritten recipes on tea towels.  If you missed the original post, you can find it here.  Without any previous experience using Adobe Illustrator, I thought it would close to impossible to learn how to navigate the program well enough to create anything but circles and squares.  Bonnie, however, is an incredible teacher.  Her class covers everything from opening a new document to creating an interesting repeating pattern.  And lots of stuff in between.  The entire process was fascinating, and I'm now able to do things with Illustrator that I never would have learned on my own.

After I finished the recipe card design, I used the re-color tool that automatically changes the placement of the colors, then selected three different prints to upload to Spoonflower for printing on fabric.  Here's how they turned out. 

When I first started quilting by machine, I really, really wanted to learn how to quilt feathers.  So I drew them on paper until my brain learned to sew them.  While I was learning to draw directly in Illustrator recently, I kept thinking of a particular feather design that I've used for a few of my quilts, and ended up making a repeating feather pattern.  Here are my new feather fabrics.

It's so much fun to start with a blank computer screen and end up with fabrics that are unique and meaningful.  If you ever considered it, but didn't know where to start, just enroll in Bonnie's class -- she'll tell you everything you need to know.  And if I can answer any questions about how to get started there, just ask. 

Hope you all have a good weekend!



  1. awesome! thanks for sharing this and the information for Bonnie's class.

  2. Love your fabrics - especially those feathers! You might want to place a call to Moda!

  3. I'm so happy you did it!!! They look beautiful, can't wait to see them.

  4. So glad you printed your dream. What a great family treasure.
    Thanks for the info on the computer program too!

  5. That is amazing! Love the recipe cards!! A real treasure!!

  6. Wow. Just WOW!

    I LOVE your sweet fabrics. Both the recipes and the feathers -- they're perfect. I would love to do something like that with recipes -- you're brilliant!!!

  7. Maybe I can use the feather fabric for a background or a backing, and then just stitch over the lines. Feathers quilted on my quilt. Very pretty designs. Stephani in N. TX (

  8. What sweet fabric that would be fun to practice with. Where can I buy some?

  9. I did not realize the recipes were on fabric! What beautiful fabric. If Moda won't then I would try Connecting Threads. If it is the problem that it is not all your art work because of the flowers around the recipes then O My!

  10. I love the recipe card idea. You are inspired!

  11. Love your recipe fabrics! WHat a great idea! And they turned out so well! Could you please do a post with some of the finished things you made for your relatives?

    Way to go!!!

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