Thanks to the nice people at
Martingale & Company, I have another wonderful book to share with you -- Candy Cane Lane by
Melinda Bula (stop by and visit her blog -- she's an amazing artist). Candy Cane Lane is the sampler quilt on the cover. Melinda used needle-turn applique for this quilt, but she also includes instructions for fusible web applique, as well as instructions for embellishments and embroidery. This book really gets me in the mood for Christmas with its cheery, colorful projects.

Here is a picture of the full quilt from the cover. I wanted to show you the yo-yos along the edge. Aren't they fun?

In addition to complete instructions for the sampler quilt, there are smaller projects that you can make using the motifs from the lap quilt. Like these whimsical Christmas stockings.

And this wallhanging with removable pockets for treats for the little ones (and maybe the grown-ups, too!). Melinda shares a sweet Christmas memory about a wallhanging like this that her mom made.

The snowflake pillows are adorable, but my favorite is the Candy Cane Table Runner. There are those yo-yos again! They make such a nice decorative border along the edge.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I have. Brent Kane is the photographer and he, too, is an amazing artist.
If you'd like to win a copy of Candy Cane Lane just in time for Christmas, leave a comment here. I'll choose the winner by drawing a random number on Monday. If you don't have enough time to finish a small project before Christmas, you'll have the whole year ahead of you to create something special for next Christmas.