After my last post, a couple of the comments included a request to see my scraps and stash that have been cut into 2 1/2" strips. I snapped a couple of pictures to show you how I store these strips. I fold the lengthwise strips in half again so that they measure around 10 or 11 inches, then stack them so the folds are facing the same way.
Then I store two stacks in a clear plastic shoebox-size storage container. These are only a few of the boxes, but it'll give you an idea what they look like. My strips are also sorted by colors (a box for each color). It may seem a little fussy, but it works for me. The strips fray and wrinkle a lot less this way. If my strips aren't from a full width of fabric, I fold them until they fit the container.
These are my "bright" strips. I don't have a lot of bright fabrics, so I store these together in one container.
These are some contemporary fabrics. All of the strips didn't come from my sraps -- I have a lot of leftover Jelly Rolls in this box.
I forgot to take a picture of this before I unrolled it. These neutral batiks were a gift from Mary at
Quilt Hollow. Aren't they yummy? These will be added to one of my batik boxes after I drool over them for a little longer. Thanks so much, Mary. I can't wait to tell you what I'm doing with these!
A few batiks.
During the past week, I've worked on a few of these little blocks, too. I'm working on a tutorial to share, but it's taking a lot longer than I anticipated. To all of you who share tutorials on your blogs, THANK YOU! I never gave any thought to how much time it takes to photograph each little step as you go. It's coming soon, I promise!
In the meantime, if you'd like to get a head start, go ahead and sort your scraps into piles of whatever you'd like to use. I'm working on more than one quilt at a time as I run across more scraps and strips. These are some ideas for fabric combinations:
Mostly Kaffe Fassett scraps, with a few other things mixed in.
1930s prints.
Lime green! I don't have a lot of these scraps, so I'll mix them with
another color. Any suggestions?
Have a good week!
Love seeing this! What inspiration to just do some cutting and sorting. I like this. And seriously, don't fall over but I've started to get in that mode lately. Things just go much better when I don't have to stop and cut down. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit I'm learning. Just takes the Rigid Quilter a long time! On that Lime I was taught that It's a good color to throw into any dark scrappy quilt in a couple of spots randomly. Because I work with a lot of dark colors I suppose that's the sort of teaching I'd receive. Of course orange, yellow and black are yummm...
LIME GREEN is it with pink.
thanks Love seeing the strips!
still working with mine!
whipped up a little quilt today with 4 patches I found cleaning out a closet this week, oops forgot I had them :)
I have more fun playing with precut strips than I do yardage. I always feel like I'm not risking as much. And I like playing with strings too. Have fun with yours.
Lime is the new black :-) not really probably...but I love it everywhere!
Love all your scrap tips.
Lime Green with White and Turquoise
Lime green, and purple? pink? red? orange? it with just about anything! Thanks for showing your strips sorted, great way to stay organized.
Lime green huh? First thought was black but then I thought BUG! When I was little I wanted a lime green room with pink accents (if that helps) Your strips are so organized!! Look forward to see what your up to over there with the batiks strips.
what a great way to store them! i have all my extra jelly roll strips & scrap strips in plastic bags but i like what you do better!
You are so organized! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration. ;-)
Just want to run my fingers through those Kaffe Strips :-)
Have Fun
Your strips are so neat and tidy. Very inspiring! I'll start working on mine tomorrow, honest I will.
The little 30's blocks are so cute!
Thanks for the inspiration. Your strips are so organized! Mine are all thrown into big ziploc bags...waiting for..?
So organized. A kindred spirit!
Look at you being all organized over there.
I love your new project. The fabs are great. And the blocks are fun. Cant wait to see the finished part.
Hey my comment disappeared.
I love your organization. I'm going to load up all my scrap bins in my car and coming to visit you so we can organize mine. Maybe we do a little sewing, too. LOL
So organized, love it!
Can't wait to see what you do with the neutral batiks..what a nice gift from Mary.
Gorgeous blocks :)
Love the Kaffe's, the 30s, the batiks, the lime green all of it! I think we are kindred spirits.
It's so inspirational to see these stacks of strips and even piles of strips! Makes me want to get organized! I have been loving lime green with aqua lately...don't know why...think I've seen it on a few blogs too!
Kim, I'm waiting in anticipation....I have soooo many scraps, each time I use my accuquilt I get another million. Thanks for sharing.
Lime green with navy blue.
Wow, Kim! Love all those strips and can't wait to see what you are doing next. But the truth is, I am behind reading your blog and saw your new great tutorial. Great blocks from the scraps!
I have seen purple and turquoise also orange used with success with lime. All of it looks fresh...oh and raspberry!
I'm not sure how to post so will just sign my name.
Becky Cochran
I love lime with navy blue.
Last week I´ve used a great number of my scraps into a QAYG quilt. I had to line them up after ironing and sort by colours and sizes. After completing the 24 blocks, all left scraps went into a box. I really need to show my DH your post and let im learn how to help me keeping scraps in good order... Thanks and congratulations!
Love the post and did check out your tutorial. I'll show it to the ladies that are in my church's quilting group.
Lime green, I immediately saw Chocolate brown and white, Royal purple and white, or aqua and Navy... Have fun playing!!
Hi, So glad I found you. When I am cutting fabric for a quilt I am already thinking about the scraps. I go to my sisters (6 ladies) for a sew day every month and I collect the scraps they don't want, fun, fun. I know I will never want for fabric to make a lap quilt for charity.
Linda J.
Love, love scraps....all sizes, shapes and colors. I save small triangles from larger and make small and smaller triangle quilts.
Can you show a completed quilt with these blocks
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