Thank you so much for all your kind comments about my sick kitty last week. He's home from the kitty hospital now and seems to be doing well. This weekend my machine is in the shop for servicing, so I'm trying to talk myself into cleaning up my sewing room. It's shocking. Seriously.
When I dropped off my machine, I talked to my Bernina Dude about this.

She's really pretty, and does lots of cool stuff. On the other hand, I think if I were to pay that much for a machine, I should be able to drive it to work. And I don't need a new machine. But she is on sale. Can you hear the conversation in my head?
Thinking about a new machine has me wondering about other brands, too. What machine do you use? Do you love it or hate it? What are your favorite features? So many questions, I know. But if you feel strongly either way about a particular machine, I'd love to know about it.
Have a good weekend!
I haven't even looked at new machines in years. I have 2 pfaff's and love them! :-) Particularly the built in walking foot. :-)
For me, it's Bernina that is tops. I don't have the beauty that you have pictured but I love my 630. I still have my very first Bernina that only does 8 stitches.
I have 3 Janomes...a Memory Craft 4000 which I've had for over 13 years and has never needed a repair...a Janome Gem Platinum for traveling...really lightweight...and a Memory Craft 6600 (surprised for last Christmas from my husband)...Love the 6600 and all of them!
I like Berninas but actually the older ones are my favorites...not so much the new ones. I have a friend who loves her Pfaff...I think it's called the Grand Quilter (or something). It really only does a straight stitch but she pieces and machine quilts on it and uses it more than her Bernina 430. I think it has an automatic thread cutter too.
Thats a nice machine, I know what you're saying about sewing machine prices, but think of it as an investment. One that will pay off because you'll use it a lot. Think of how great it would be to quilt with that baby. I have a Janome 6600, It's a good machine, I do a lot of sewing and I like having it for quilting.
I have the machine in the picture. HEAVEN!
I have the big one in the picture too. When I first got it I had to relearn some stuff but after a year I still love it. I did get an ex demo and a special price though.
I had Janomes for years but I'm a Bernina girl now. I love the mechanical precision.
I have a Bernina and love it. Before that I had a Viking (Husqvarna) which gave me great service for 20 years. I switched simply because I couldn't get attachments feet)that I needed for it after that many years. But I still have it and use it sometimes.
I have a Viking D1, 2 vintage Vikings, a Featherweight, and a basic Kenmore. I'm mostly a garment sewer though. :-) I do most of my piecing on the Featherweight and quilt on my Vikings.
Yes. I hear the conversation. I too have been thinking about this machine. The wide throat space is most appealing. Not sure I would use the embroidery module very often so wondered about the 820. I joined the yahoo group on the Bernina 8 series. Several are very happy but there are issues too. A good dealer can make it or break it. I bought a Husqvarna Sapphire 870q a few years ago. I found a good dealer a year later that helped me straighten out most of the problems. I still am hoping to find my dream machine. Seems like alot of the quilters use Berninas.
I LOVE MY BERNINA, and yes my next machine will be another Bernina!
ok think business expense, talk to your accountant!
go for it!
I love your new blog banner. I LOVE my Janome Memory Craft 6600. It has needle down, dual feed walking foot, a wide bed to maneuver quilts through and an extra light, and a scissors button that cuts the thread...not necessary but very cool. Although I don't do a ton of free motion machine quilting there is a separate bobbin case that you drop in and do NOT have to adjust for tension. I hope you give yourself a good answer to the conversation in your head.
I'm a bit bias only because I worked selling Pfaff in Germany. I love the IDF (integrated dual feed/walking foot). I own two Pfaffs. BUT have friends who LOVE their Berninas, Vikings and Janomes. I think you are going to have to do a test drive yourself to see what feels right. When selling Pfaff I always told people that there is a big difference in driving a cheaper model car (won't tell brand here) vs a luxury car...same goes for machines and features. Heck..same went for my longarm! Go drive one!! Hee!!
I'm a Janome Fan--- had a Memorycraft 4000 f-o-r-e-v-e-r.... Would recommend the brand to everyone.
I am sure it is a wonderful machine, the best advice is to go check out the yahoo groups on the paticular machines. I have a Husqvarna Designer 1 and a Husqvarna SE. Another thing is to make sure your dealer will help with any problems. Have fun checking them all out. I also have a Janome 1600P and an old Featherweight. Love them all LOL
This, of course, is like asking what's our favorite brand of automobile - the answers will be varied. When I first started quilting I bought a Bernina (every one seemed to have one - LOL). Then for classes and retreats I was gifted a Janome Jem Gold (a little work horse) and four years ago I replaced my Bernina (it's on a shelf in the closet) with a Janome Memory Craft 6600 and LOVE it. I believe you'll have to buy what you think you'll use and enjoy. 'nuf said! :-)
I have a 7570 Pfaff, a D1 Viking, and Juki TL98Q. I love my Pfaff and love, love, love the Juki for speed piecing and quilting. However, I've always wanted a Bernina and have a friend who has offered to sell me her 240. I am going to sell the Viking on eBay, cuz I just don't need all those options and embroidery anymore and then I'll be able to buy the Bernina. I can't wait to get my hands on the Bernina and can't wait to get rid of the Viking. I think it all depends on your needs.
I, along with many of the other, am a Janome fan. I have a 6600 and a Gem Platinum and you just can't beat those machines, for about 1/2 the price of a Bernina.
I just bought a Bernina about 6 months and I still have sticker shock...but it was worth it. I bought the aurora 440 Quilters Edition and love everything about it. I had an Elna for 15 years before this and there is no comparison.
I have the Bernina Quilter's Edition and like it very well. I also have a Pfaff 7500 that I have had for 15 years. Both are good machines. My advice to you is to think whether you would use all the bells & whistles of the new machine before investing. I did not get an embroidery unit or the fanciest Bernina as I feel the machine embroidery is a whole other craft that requires lots of threads and supplies. I want to invest my play money in quilt fabric, patterns, etc.
I have the Bernina Activa 210 and love it! No embroidery stuff, but I didn't want that. What I do want to do is quilting+free motion quilting, in particular. However I do not seem to be able to achieve as even a stitch length as I'd prefer. Does anyone out there think the Aurora 440 (with a BSR)would greatly improve my FM ?
Hi there.. I just posted a post regarding almost the same issue as you .. Sewing what should one buy for brand???...
I started out with a Husqvarna... totally wore that one down.. got my Bernina 1010... but replaced it with a Pfaff 2042... and I have to say... I have loved my Pfaff to bits... but it have given me some fits with the free motion quilting lately... so I have been thinking again of replacing it.. So I am with one foot in the Pfaff camp and the other in the Bernina camp... So I will be following your blogpost with interest..:O))
I love my Bernina! I have a Virtuosa 153. They came out in colors years ago. I've sewn on Janome, Baby Lock, Viking, and Pfaff at classes at different conferences. Good machines all, but I'll go for another Bernina when the time comes.
After 32 years with my Viking (got it for high school graduation) I bought a Bernina last year. I loved my Viking but it was a very basic machine. It's my daughter's now and still going strong. I bought the Bernina bz it was easier to keep a good 1/4" on for quilting and it was easier to adjust the controls. I really like my Bernina and maybe one day will truly love it once I figure out all the different ways to use it!
You know how much I love my Viking Mega Quilter. It's an awesome machine. I just bought a Janome Magnolia 7330 to take to classes, etc. It seems to be a good little machine. Good luck with your decision.
great discussion !! I have a Pfaff, and finally one day got so tired of the problems with tension when free motion that I went out and bought a Janome7700! I love it, free motion is soooo easy now! The Pfaff was fine for straight sewing, and some nice features, but I would not buy one again.
I just love my Bernina, a small one. But I'm longing for a bigger one with more space to machinequilt my quilts in... one day...
I hava a Phaff, but do have problems with free motion...have had it in for repairs several times, as well. Interesting to hear other similar comments about the Phaff having tension problems with free motion quilting, anybody have the answer??
Such a personal decision, but since you asked, I love my Janome MC6600 so much that I have two! It loves every type of thread I put through it, it machine quilts beautifully with no tension problems whatsoever, has a thread cutter which I use frequently, etc. I could go on and on. It's just an extra bonus that you get such a great machine for a price that is so much cheaper than many of the others out there. But, as I said, this is a very personal decision and all that matters is that you are happy with whichever machine you get!
I'm a Bernina gal thru and thru - I have the 630, 153 and 185. I love your idea about driving the new 830 to work, Kim! I don't use even half of the features of my 3 machines, so I'm not sure what I would do with this baby, but it is nice to dream! I've taken some classes with it available for use - they seem to have thought of everything!
I have a Bernina 1030 that I adore and use nearly everyday. but I also have a Janome 6600 that is a heck of a lot of machine for the money.
Janome is the number one selling machine in the country check them out before spending 3 or 4 times that amount for a new Bernie.
Happy Sewing
I have a Bernina 1230 and I LOVE it! It free motions beautifully and never gives me grief. I have contemplated getting the Juki for free motion just for the extra throat space and because I don't want to wear my Bernina out!! I'm laughing at your wanting to drive it to work...I told my Bernina dealer that for that kind of money it would need to cook and clean for me too :)
I piece with a Bernina Aroura 44oQE, best feature has to be the setting the needle stop down, and moving the needle function. I quilt with a Jukie 98QE, and I love it, simple, fast and very reliable, and has stood in for the Bernina and matches the piecing quality! Good luck in your search, it helps to look at all the competition so you get the machine that does what YOU want it to, not just what the dealer or hype thinks.
I have a Bernina 440QE and i am in love... if i was asked about my two precious pocessions.. i would have to say..1st my family, 2nd my sewing machine!! xxx so glad i found your blog! xx
I have a Bernina 200E that I'm not crazy about. Wouldn't buy another Bernina, even though I know everyone else who owns one swears by them. I also have a Janome 6500, and it's my favorite machine I've ever had. I only wish the buttonhole stitch was as nice as the Bernina!
Wow. I can only imagine having a machine that fancy. I won't even look to see what all it can do, it would make me cry.
I do like my Janome. Its not glamorous, but it does a fine job. I tell myself that someday I'll have one of the fancy machines that tell you when the bobbin is empty, that have a stitch regulator, and the pressure of the foot adjusts to different thicknesses of fabrics. No more fighting to get over the lump of multiple intersecting seams.
Yeah, like someday I'll have a Lamborghini.
I bought a Babylock about two years ago. It's not top of the line but it has a lot of bells and whistles--much more than I had with my 30 year old mechanical machine, anyway.
The one thing I don't like about is that you can't drop the feed dogs from the front. The switch is located in a very awkward to reach area on the back of the machine.
I have owned a Bernina Artista 170, Quilter's Platinum Edition, for 10 years. I have not had any issues or complaints. It has a beautiful stitch and is very quiet. I love it.
I have a pfaff. I love it. If it ever needs to be replaced I would buy another one. I would consider what your needs are. How it would be used? I had a high end embrodiery machine and never used that part of it and eventually sold it to some one who would. For me I would rather purchase fabric or put it towards a long arm. I am not going to ever quilt bed size quilts by machine with a home machine. I do not need a BSR. But you may need it?
I have a Phaff, too. The first one was a lemon and finally the shop replaced it for me. I could not get it to machine quilt without LOTS of trouble. The new one is working just fine. I love the fact that it slightly lifts the foot every time I stop so I can machine applique and turn curves and corners without having to stop and lift the foot.
BERNINA....BERNINA....BERNINA!!!! For a minute there I thought you had bought one. I forged ahead and bought the 830....yes, with all the embroidery stuff-n-things! I also have the Bernina 185. Yes, you are right...who would think sewing machines would begin to cost as much as a small compact car.
I have 2 Singers from years ago and have no complaints about them....but service and training is what won me over on the Bernina's about 9 yrs. ago and I love both my machines.
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