These are a couple of my favorite smiling faces. Terry on the right (my "boss") was the event coordinator. At least I hope she was, because people were always asking her for stuff. Mary on the left is Terry's sister, a non-quilter, who volunteered to help with the Symposium. I wonder if she knew what she was getting into. :-) She must have walked 8,000 miles.
These three (Beverly, Ella, and Sandra) always looked like they were having way too much fun. They sure made me giggle. And check out those yo-yo hats. Adorable, right?
Yes, it took this many people to guard the opportunity quilt so I wouldn't run off with it. It was fabulous!

It was really cool to meet a fellow blogger, Lisa (right). She's adorable! She's helping Judy hold up a quilt that Judy made using the Over and Under pattern from my book. Judy made only a quarter of the blocks, added red "berries" and a bow, and it looks like a beautiful Christmas wreath! Unfortunately, my photography skills are terrible, but trust me when I tell you this was really pretty.
Here's a whole family of quilters -- Betsy, Suzie, and Gary. Betsy was in one of my classes. What a sweetheart. And a mess. She kept me in stitches. Pardon the pun. Gary won awards for his hand quilting, including the Judge's Choice award. They're such sweet people, and I wanted to bring them home with me.
Here are pictures of one of Gary's award-winning quilts, My Blue Heaven.
Can you believe all the stitches in this quilt?! It's easy to see why it's adorned with ribbons.

I squealed when I walked into the quilt show and saw a quilt made from my Summer Breeze pattern. It's such a lovely version made with batik fabrics and an extra border. I later discovered that it was made by one of my students, Shirley. And of course I squealed again when I found out it was her first quilt!
If you're in the Birmingham area, check out the Evening Star Quilt Guild. Lots and lots of very nice people and super-talented quilters. And be sure to give all of them a hug from me. :-)
Have a super weekend!