May 24, 2018

Hello There

So I was cleaning out my sewing room when I ran across an envelope that felt like it was stuffed with fabric scraps or leftover pieces from a project.  I gasped when I opened the envelope and saw the little signature blocks from a swap hosted by MelissaIn 2009!  These blocks were all made with Civil War reproduction fabrics. 

Seeing all these blocks after such a long time made me wonder if anyone else had neglected to piece their blocks together.  And if all the people who made these blocks are still quilting or have taken up golfing or sculpting instead.  I had such a strong feeling of nostalgia thinking about all the connections and friendships that resulted from blogging and sharing my love of quilting.   I've been able to stay in touch with a lot of you on Instagram, even though there are times that I fall behind there, too.  So I came here to see if my blog was still live.

The first link I clicked on was broken.  Links I had on Instagram and other places that directed people to my blog didn't work, either -- there was a sketchy security certificate, whatever that is.  My last book was never added to my sidebar.  My photo is way outdated -- I'm old and fat now.  Seriously.  Hot flashes and all that.  And I had forgotten how to update things.  So I spent a little time doing some housekeeping.  I still have some things to update and passwords to remember, but I was finally able to end up on this page.  I think I'll start hanging out here again.

If you're reading this, and one of these blocks is yours, I'd love to hear from you.  Did you make your quilt?  Or would you like to grab your unfinished blocks and sew along with me?  I'm pretty sure I still have some of the fabrics that were used in these blocks!  I'll be working on a layout that I'll share as soon as I can.  Until then, thanks for visiting.



Jeanna said...

Hi Kim! I didn't participate in the swap but I am a blog follower. I follow you on Instagram too!

It is nice to see you back in this space and I look forward to seeing the layout for your signature blocks. I hope some of the other quilters who participated in the swap get in touch with you soon.

Shelley said...

Have missed you Kim. Not into Instagram. Hope to see more of you here ☺

tealeafquilts said...

I didnt send a block but see your post so saying hello!

Loris said...

Hi Kim, I don't remember sending a block but love these. I have a quilt made up of these blocks signed by friends in a quilt group. You will love yours when sewn into a quilt. Happy to hear from you in blog land :-) I follow along with you on IG too.

Sherri said...

I do hope you begin blogging again...yours was always one of my favorites!

Shelina said...

When I first found online quilting newsgroup, I participated in several swaps and have at least two sets of blocks like yours - not civil war though. They are still in their envelope as I haven't taken the time to put them together. I will. someday.

Duchess B said...

Hi there Kim; saw your blog via Bloglovin and so glad I checked in to see you. I retired last year from 17 years at the front counter of a fast-food restaurant and made many friends of customers and co-workers. During the last three months of working, I had them sign a piece of paper along with how long we knew each other and choose their favorite color. I am in the process of scanning so I can size the signature (some people write so small) and then will be creating this exact block to make my retirement quilt.
Some of the older acquaintances, it was a chance meeting in the grocery store or the gas station and felt so blessed to run into them. Some have passed away but they will still be remembered in the quilt, they were such bright spots in my day.
I'd be very happy to see how your quilt goes together, I'm thinking of a fields and furrows setting for mine (at the moment anyway).
Blessings ~ Brenda

Laurie said...


I participated in this swap and see my block in your photo. I would like to say I have put mine together but they are still in a bag. I am going to have the groups I quilt with now make a block too and incorporate them into a quilt.

Miss your blog. Love your books.

Laurie In Massillon Ohio

Janan Doster said...

What a fantastic find, it will be fun to see the quilt when you do finish it. Thanks so much for coming back to blogland! I always loved reading yours, and will look forward to new posts now!

Anonymous said...

I did not participate in a block swap with this block. However, I have been a cheerleader for your first two books, making about 25 quilts from them. I interested my LQS in ordering your books and she sold out of them with every order. The third books you authored gave me one of my favorite quilts, and I sing your praises often as inspiring a good deal of my quilt career. My most recent finish was NOVA using the William Morris, Moda and V&A museum fabric, and it's a beauty. Glad I just happened to see your recent blog entry. In the interim of making many quilts, my husband passed and I later sold my home on the N. TX prairie and moved to suburban DFW where the quilt scene is hopping. I also have a brand new grandson to enjoy so moving was a good call. Good to see your blog active. Stephani in N. TX (

Cindy P said...

Hi Kim! I have had two of your books, Beauties and Sensations, for a few years and enjoyed making a couple of quilts from them. Recently however, I've become obsessed! Over the years, my accumulation of precuts has increased and I've been pre cutting my own leftovers into 2.5" strips and 5" squares. Your books and patterns are wonderfully written and I have several more quilts already planned out. I look forward to seeing more tips and tricks from you here, especially any quilting suggestions. Any thoughts/ideas about quilting rulers? Can't wait to see what you are doing!

Thimbleanna said...

You're so funny -- we're all old and fat now, aren't we LOL? I didn't participate in your block swap, but in a different one with the same block -- and, like you, mine still sit in a pile. Does that make us old, fat and lazy??? ;-D

Pattypiecer said...

Hi Kim, I did not swap blocks, but I visit your blog and I now follow you on IG.

julie853 said...

Hi Kim!
I love your quilt books and have made several patterns! I did not exchange blocks with you, my project this summer is to finish/quilt the 20 tablerunners and wallhangings I have pieced from the last 20 years. If I complete 2/ week, I will have them done in 10 weeks! I'm retired now, so I have the time! I hope you will continue to blog..

3nod maka said...

تجدوا في شركة غسيل خزانات مكة العديد من اساليب التنظيف الفعالة كما ان شركة تنظيف مفروشات مكة اعتمدت علي كفاءة فريق العمل لكي تجدوا في شركة تنظيف فلل مكة و من يعمل في شركة جلي بلاط مكة الامكانية الافضل علي الاطلاق في نظافة المنزل بالكامل و بالتالي تكون خدمة مكافحة العتة بمكة فعالة بوجود مبيدات و انواع من الامصال الالمانية الفعالة و الاكثر امانا بالنسبة لمن يبحث عن التميز

sahar said...

تواص معنا عزيزي العميل في اي وقت لكي تجد تنظيف مفروشات في الطائف و تحقيق تنظيف منازل في الطائف بالاعتماد علي مواد و سوائل تنظيف فعالة بشكل كبير و لهذا مكافحة النمل الابيض في الطائف تتم بالاعتماد علي مواد رش و محاليل حديثة و امنة و بالتالي فان صيانة خزانات في الطائف و اعمال جلي سيراميك في الطائف تعتمد في الاساس علي فعالية المواد المستخدمة و بالتالي فان نقل عفش في الطائف و الاسلوب المتبع في مكافحة حشرات في الطائف يجعلنا دائما الاختيار الامثل

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